Maybe you look like you belong but you feel like you don’t.
you are despairing of a way forward that doesn’t destroy your life, or
current events are shaking your worldview loose, and
the spiritual foundation you’ve taken for granted, isn’t holding up
Maybe considering the alternatives is why you’re taking that daily handful of capsules.
Whether you’re still sitting in a pew, starting to wonder if you and your questions belong anymore, or you’ve already left the spiritual community you assumed was your forever home.
I’m here to tell you, you’re going to be ok.
I’ve been there. I grew up a fourth generation member of the same conservative Christian denomination that my husband pastored in for twenty years. We have three children whose sense of community, family and friends was shaken as we made our exit. And I’ve developed skills and knowledge in areas that, not so long ago, would have gotten me burned at the stake. I would be honored to journey with you.
If you find yourself…
isolated even with old friends
dehydrated by the same, recycled stuff in church.
saddened when the music you were once held by, now gets under your skin
fighting back panic attacks every week in church, confused because it’s always been your second home
shattered by the political or social beliefs within your faith community
tied in knots by the hypocrisy you’re showing your kids by continuing to take them to church
drained by all the pretending
disoriented, having seen, heard or experienced something your worldview (or theology) can’t explain
worried you may be losing your mind
trapped in a life of mounting irreconcilable differences
wondering who you are if you leave your community
afraid of where the “slippery slope” may lead outside your faith community
worn down by unexplained physical aches, pains, tingling, or an obstruction in your throat
afraid the ongoing stress of keeping it all in will lead to serious illness
desperate for someone safe to talk to
relieved to learn there’s vocabulary for what you’re experiencing, you’re not alone, and this is normal
This struggle isn’t your fault. You’ve been doing the best you can with what you have, but what you have is someone else’s armor. That’s fun if you’re playing Knights of the Round Table in battle. Not so much if you’re climbing Everest in real life.
You’re climbing Everest. And no one does that alone and survives.

What Clients Are Saying…

My coaching and healing practice is informed by my passions for quantum physics, energetic NLP and spirituality, and by my fierce commitment to Joy.

Working With Me
Here’s what’s happening: You are firmly on the mountain trail of Human Development (Growing Up) and Spiritual Growth (Waking Up). As we climb, we spiral through four “Stages of Faith” growing up and waking up. At the moment, you’re moving from one stage to the next. You’re waking up! The stages are: Simplicity, Complexity, Perplexity and Harmony (Brian McLaren, Faith After Doubt) Most likely, you’re moving into Perplexity or Harmony, which is why you feel completely out of sorts.
This is not a permanent condition.
I have developed an intentional process, implemented through a blend of weekly or bi-weekly sessions, including:
Coaching – partnership in finding and resourcing your new path when you feel like you’re blowing in the wind
Reiki – holistic healing practice that promotes relaxation and balance in the body, mind, and spirit.
Guided meditation – access to shedding other people’s “armor” and to transformation without having to “talk it out”
These sessions can take place in an office, on a massage table, or by phone. But I’ve also found the impact to be multiplied when we incorporate our whole selves and nature. So, I also offer coaching while, for example:
Sitting outside with a hot drink
Or even making soup
I’m here to support you, mind and body.
You’re going to be ok, and I can help.

If you can’t stand the thought of being still for an hour, let’s walk or garden or cook! You’re not crazy. Even science says this “old way” is the best way!

About Me
Integrative Coach & Healer
Sherilyn Carlton is a compassionate guide for those navigating the journey of deconstruction. With a background in theology and counseling, she creates a warm and safe space for individuals to navigate the complexities of faith, spirituality, and personal identity. Sherilyn’s lifelong passion for quantum physics and her unique blend of coaching, Reiki, and guided meditation enhances her approach, fostering deep reflection and personal growth.
Her love for the outdoors plays a significant role in her practice, often leading sessions in nature to amplify the healing experience. Her holistic approach encourages deep reflection and connection, allowing clients to cultivate self-awareness and resilience. Sherilyn creates a nurturing space where reality is named and acknowledged, insights are gained, and transformation unfolds. Whether through outdoor mini retreats, one-on-one coaching, or mind-body work, she invites you to embrace your journey with openness, joy and even playfulness.